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ATH Connect
ATH Connect
Posts : 62
Points : 770

Refreshed Set of Roles Empty Refreshed Set of Roles

Sun Mar 31, 2024 5:47 pm
Refreshed Set of Roles Screenshot-2024-04-14-144233

Because of the different roles that members and other users can become within the community, we've decided to refresh our set of roles, with the extra addition of the Streamer class not shown above.

You can now have specialized tags such as Level Builders and Server Hosters.

The groups that are open for application are Streamers, Level Builders, Server Hosters, Clan Leaders, and Moderators. Criteria for joining are at the discretion of the group leaders.

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Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
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Refreshed Set of Roles Empty Re: Refreshed Set of Roles

Fri May 03, 2024 7:01 pm
This post will describe the responsibilities of each of the group leaders. See the group list for a description of each group and who's the current leader of it.


The Administrator tag doesn't exist in-game and doesn't need to, as it's specifically for this forum. Their responsibility is to run the backend of the forum and structure the layout of all its features, such as organization of sub-forums, theming, emoticons, finances and security.

They coordinate with the hosters of the website to keep the forum up.


The Developer tag is for anyone that directly works on the game's software or the server's software, and actively produces assets for the game. They have a responsibility to make the game, including adding features, removing bugs, and listening to player feedback. They put out information for all players on updates to any of our software.

They coordinate with Server Hosters to keep them updated on how updates will affect their servers and how they can use the application.

They coordinate with Level Builders for feedback on new tiles and objects to add as well as the ergonomics of the level editor.


The Moderator tag is for anyone that's considered a manager of the community. They make sure that the structure of the community is sound, that the members play well with each other, and that nothing is posted for long that violates the terms of the owners of the infrastructures we use to maintain this community.

They coordinate with Administrators to know any upcoming community updates and execute functions of community management.

Server Hosters:

The Server Hoster tag is given to anyone who downloads and broadcasts their server for others to join and play on. They have a responsibility to ensure compatibility with the people's version of games that come to play on them.

They coordinate with Developers to know where the minimum and maximum supported game versions of their server are and how to use the application. (See Server Hosting Guide)

They coordinate with Clan Leaders to keep a list of members who are verified to be a part of their clans.

They coordinate with Level Builders to add levels and stages to the server.

They coordinate with external entities to run and host the server if they desire.

They also maintain a list of who has what role so that the game can display it properly when connected to their server. They can either opt to simply copy the main server (to be added) or maintain their own list.

VIP and Supporters:

VIP and Supporters are people that either through personal support or finances, help the Developers, Moderators, and Administrators. Those groups of people have a responsibility to the VIPs and supporters to keep them updated on things with more priority.

Clan Leaders:

The Clan Leader tag is given to anyone who establishes a clan, as well as their assistant leader. Obligations of the clan leader involve organizing and managing clan wars between clans, practice sessions between members, and single player adventure sessions.

They coordinate with Server Hosters to keep the verified clans lists updated per server and ensure that their members are active. (See Clan Creation FAQ)

They coordinate with Streamers to record clan war footage.

They bring issues they cannot control up to Moderators, such as rouge members.


The Streamer role is given to anyone with a following that regularly showcases our games. Their obligations are mostly to have fun and let us know how we can improve.

They coordinate with Clan Leaders to record clan war footage.

They coordinate with Level Builders who wish for them to review their level or stage.

Level Builders:

The level builder tag is given to anyone that generates a set of levels. They have a responsibility to ensure that their levels, whether posted here or on the Discord or both, are up-to-date with game updates (this was made easier with the transition to

They can coordinate with a Developer to add specific tiles or objects and give feedback on the ergonomics of the level editor.

They can coordinate with Server Hosters to have their level hosted online for others to play.

They can coordinate with Streamers to conduct a video review of their level or stage.

Group Leaders:

The responsibility of the group leader is to accept or reject new members to a group based on the criteria.

They coordinate with Moderators to ensure that people of the roles they lead still match those criteria (for instance, removing inactive Clan Leaders).

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