ATH Connect Productions
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ATH Connect
ATH Connect
Posts : 62
Points : 770 - Greater Online Stability Empty - Greater Online Stability

Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:04 pm - Greater Online Stability Screen14

This update wraps up the progress and testing done this weekend with the online multiplayer. It greatly enhances overall stability and introduces a few other improvements.

Features Added

  1. Proper organization of the rooms in the online lobby, along with page navigation.
  2. You can now set the number of teams in both online and offline multiplayer.
  3. Support for 432Hz music modification vice 440Hz. This is a debug option.

Bugs Fixed

  1. Player names were replaced by their character's names online. Now, it shows their proper display name.
  2. Removed the "Trying to start the match..." message whenever a player joins or leaves a room in the lobby.
  3. Switched powerup items to a "use then notify" model, so that powerups aren't delayed by lag or dropped.
  4. Custom stage data online could get dropped in-transit, leading to crashes. This update greatly improves the recovery of lost data in transit, leading to higher chances of running custom stages online.
  5. Bots in online rooms now reflect their XP ranking in difficulty.
  6. NaN values causing lag in battle results.

Other Changes

  1. Reds don't smile when they're targets are dead.
  2. In the room creation screen, the default is now 8 players.
  3. General visual improvements.
  4. Removed Zombies and Key Hunt from online play until functionality is officially added.

Install Guide

See this post for the install guide.

The next update will get us to a stable point and will be considered "Stable." More frequent updates will be called "Development/Nightly" where new features can be tested out, but there's more chance for bugs, errors, and potential loss of data.
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