ATH Connect Productions
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ATH Connect
ATH Connect
Posts : 62
Points : 770 - New Assets, Multiplayer Modes, Online Features Empty - New Assets, Multiplayer Modes, Online Features

Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:22 am
We thank everyone for the patience for the release of this version. This is a major release for desktop and web versions. This is also an experimental release: Bugs are expected and should be reported.

Release Notes

Features Added

  1. Added Backgrounds: Techy Tech in four colors! Full Moon!
  2. Added Music: Extrastellar!
  3. Added Battle Modes: Zombie Mode! Key Hunt!
  4. Added Stages: Sunset A, Stars A, Realms added to official list.
  5. Character voice effects!
  6. Player status bar on HUD. See time remaining for speed, invincibility, superspeed, slowmo, being frozen, and respawning.
  7. Ghost! When a human controlled player gets killed, their ghost spawns and looks around the stage.
  8. Rank Line! Player rankings show here on the bottom of the screen when the player is idle to show the standings of the players or teams.
  9. Added the "Untimed" mode type. In classic mode it's a first person to 15,000 points. In stock, you get 1 life and more health than easy mode. In Key Hunt, it doesn't end (fixed in next version). In Zombies, it ends when 1 non-zombie remains.
  10. In stock mayhem, hitting others adds 20% of the damage done to your score.
  11. Rainbow Pinballs redirect if their current target dies.
  12. Added more death words: Rekt!
  13. Resolution-based draw scaling.
  14. Upon death, the camera zooms out.
  15. Being burned while frozen cancels the frozen.
  16. Level editor camera zoom is instantaneous now.
  17. Level editor custom function block: de-animate the background sequence, and more in the future.
  18. Level editor functions: center, top, bottom, left, right commands in level editor to teleport the camera.
  19. Added Lamps! Code 48 in level editor.
  20. "Fill" mode on level editor: press f in tile selection, then you can fill a space with tiles just like the paint bucket tool.
  21. Client and server now supports clan tags. You can now set your clan tag.
  22. Battle results text. We'll tell you how you did, now.
  23. Bots can fill in empty slots in player-created rooms online.
  24. Tabs on the settings menu: See more settings in the future.
  25. Other new minor visual and audio effects.
  26. Added tutorial-like messages to guide you through the game.
  27. Changed the CPU difficulty curve to seem more natural. It's also an editable setting in debug mode.

Bugs Fixed

  1. Spawning on a FIB no longer teleports you to infinity.
  2. Fixed Freezo Frag colliding with walls they scrape up against.
  3. Fixed background zoom effects.
  4. Reds drifted far when their target dies. Reduced the drift.
  5. Results screen now shows same scores as the same place.
  6. Squashed a couple of fatal online errors.

Install Guide

Step 1: Download and extract the file: - New Assets, Multiplayer Modes, Online Features Screen10

Step 2: Run the install script: (This moves the stages into their proper place. If you skip this step, you'll only be able to play the custom stages you make, or The City A.) - New Assets, Multiplayer Modes, Online Features Screen11

Step 3: Click the game icon to play! - New Assets, Multiplayer Modes, Online Features Screen12

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