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ATH Connect
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Ballland: World Level Editor Development Empty The BWorld Level Editor

Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:06 pm
This thread will be dedicated to updates for the level editor. To keep things tidy, we'll mark "Adventure Editor" for the Single Player updates, "Arena Editor" for the Multiplayer updates, and unmarked for both.

Ballland: World Level Editor Development Screen11

Custom Stage Forum | List of Game Releases

Locked as it's no longer required. Updates will be tracked in the Release Notes.

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Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
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Ballland: World Level Editor Development Empty Re: The BWorld Level Editor

Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:56 pm

New Backgrounds: Techy Tech

We've added new backgrounds to the level editor: Techy Tech!

The backgrounds feature a grid of squares that shimmer slowly.

They come in five colors: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, and Monochrome (Grey).

Here's a demonstration of the display:

Custom Function Object

We also now have a "custom function" object, which enhances the level of control one can have in the level. This object can do miscellaneous functions, such as freeze the background sequence to prevent i.e. the sun from rising or setting, or even more fine-tuned things like remove the city buildings, remove the sunset clouds, disable specific items, and an unlimited amount of other ideas. It holds space for up to 99 individual functions, and can be extended to 9999 combinations including settings for those functions.

We're open to custom function ideas.

Tileset Update

We are in the process of updating the tileset. The current tileset is the exact same from Ballland Battles Deluxe, since BBLegacy's files were all lost.

Since GMS2's sprite editor is nothing like the previous GM8 editor, we had to get back to our roots and find a new tileset editor that's easy and intuitive to use, and highly similar to the tileset editor we used for BBLegacy and BBDeluxe.

So, we chose Paint.NET. We're pleased with the application.

Ballland: World Level Editor Development Screen12

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Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
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Ballland: World Level Editor Development Empty Lamps, Moon Background, Shift Functions.

Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:45 pm
Introducing: LAMPS
Ballland: World Level Editor Development Screen13
Lamps add lighting to your level. They're code 48 in the level editor for both Single Player and Multiplayer modes in the new version.

Also, we've added a new background and new tiles to the tileset.

Ballland: World Level Editor Development Screen14

Two new functions have been added to the Level Editor: shiftx and shifty. These functions allow you to shift all the tiles and objects up, down, left, and right, and come in handy for if you have to resize the level for whatever reason.

This brings the total number of functions to four, including clear tiles and clear objects.
Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
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Posts : 61
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Ballland: World Level Editor Development Empty Re: The BWorld Level Editor

Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:28 pm
A new track's been made for stages. Here's a listen:

Ballland: World - Extrastellar

Ballland: World Level Editor Development Screen16
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Ballland: World Level Editor Development Empty Re: The BWorld Level Editor

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