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Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Clan : dev
Posts : 61
Points : 736

Level 72... Empty Level 72...

Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:14 pm
Level 72 is by far the most difficult level in the game, with rising ember flames that insta-kill you on touch. You have to navigate through a puzzle with Spike Balls and be nearly pixel perfect with some maneuvers.

Would be excited to see who's been able to solve it without TAS, and after how many tries.

Some years ago I, myself, was able to solve it after some unknown time, but after getting the game again, the furthest I got after several hundred lives was the very top, ON the goal. The blue flames killed Bluey while he was smiling, before he teleported out.
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