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no bblegacy forum? :( Empty no bblegacy forum? :(

Fri May 03, 2024 6:06 pm

i used to be a part of bblegacy forums a few years ago but one day i logged on and everything was gone. what happened?
Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
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no bblegacy forum? :( Empty Re: no bblegacy forum? :(

Fri May 03, 2024 8:31 pm
Sorry, SuperSoris.

Long story short, BBLegacy was lost to time. One day when cleaning up a laptop, we saved it along with another game of ours, Fearfied, to an encrypted flashdrive, and lost both the passcode and the drive.

That happened after a long hiatus of no public development of BBLegacy ~2018. From 2015 to 2018, the site was up for a while but then expired due to not paying for web hosting.

However as you can see, we have a new game that takes many of the ideas from BBLegacy and improves upon them, just as BBLegacy improved upon BBDeluxe. In fact, the gameplay of BWorld Multiplayer is virtually the same to BBLegacy minus the Coin Gathering mode which we'll add in time.

In this thread I list out the major differences between the three games and provide loads of screenshots.

So BBLegacy wasn't forgotten. This community here is where we reside for its successor, BWorld, and if we get the source code, BBLegacy as well. Eventually pending activity we'll move over to our own website and carry a like format as the BBLegacy forum of the past.
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no bblegacy forum? :( Empty Re: no bblegacy forum? :(

Sat May 04, 2024 3:16 pm
ok Razz
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no bblegacy forum? :( Empty Re: no bblegacy forum? :(

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