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Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
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Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread Empty Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread

Fri May 03, 2024 9:30 pm
So I just made a response to a thread about the differences between BBLegacy and BWorld and thought for a second that potentially like BBDeluxe, BBLegacy could also be recoverable.

I have some screenshots but as of this current point, we don't have BBLegacy and if we were able to get the .EXE, that'd be cool and maybe we could decompile it into its source data. From this we'd take the stages and recreate some or all of them in BWorld since much of those stages were fresh.

BBLegacy had a launcher just like BWorld's...

Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread Screenshot-2024-05-03-211302

You can see that the graphics and movement dynamics are similar. Players also had the item bubble and secondary items, of which the SFX for those in Bworld are nearly identical to except for the Strong item sound effect.

Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0725
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0724

Recreated stages from BBDeluxe had an entire retheme, my favorite of which was Dreamy Skies B which we’ll make again in BWorld.

Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0750

BBD Blue Zone...
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0726

BBD The City Altered
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0738
The way the stages were designed were such that in places like the City, you always had unreachable places outside of the stage that made it look so much larger.

The results showed in front of the finished battle just like in BBDeluxe. Also you can see the Torrential Central background and the Yellow’s toss. The battle ending text was a sprite then, not generated like now.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0741
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0742
The main menu had the player’s information just like in BWorld minus roles and clans but showing coins and XP. It had a grid that changed colors based on the selected button on the menu: Blue for single player, Green for 2P, Purple for Online (1P only), Yellow for Options and Red for quitting.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0740

This was the Stars B.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0739

Pick-up items were a thing and were definitely exploited. Also the warps had color to them and spanned multiple blocks.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0737
There was a career mode but it was barely worked on before the game was lost. Characters had dialog boxes and the story started in Bluey’s house, the stage from BBD.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0746

In the Career Mode, there was a training area and an Advisor that would help you along the way. The Career was going to be a set of tournaments to allow you to reach the top of the top in Ballland Battling.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0735

The website had a homepage, a blog, and a forum all under ""
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This was the Techy Tech A.
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The battle results screen was highly similar in layout to how it is now.
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Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0730
It was actually a meme for Bluey to get either last place or absolutely shred everyone.

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This was where Stock Mayhem was born.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0732
The City Outskirts, which has the same main music as BWorld but a different alternate music. In the Outskirts, the sun rose just like in City Sunrise backgrounds. BWorld though has city lights that turn off when the sun rises over the horizon. Also, the player is trapped from the red puzzle blocks.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0729
The Sunset B, which shows how the tileset itself darkened after sunset.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0728

Notice how congruent the styling of the tiles were. We plan to get at least back to this level with the revamp.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0727

The City B...
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0751

The Stars A and showing off the smooth trails. This code was originally outsourced but in BWorld I created it from scratch because the source was gone. (Other outsourced code involved the launcher's update functionality which was created in-house for BWorld.)
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0749

The Coin Gathering mode on the City Outskirts.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0748

Online multiplayer had a maximum of 8 players in a room at once. Because 8 is less than 32, there was more screen space to show the players off. We're thinking about how to design it similar like this in BWorld.
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0747

There were around 15 stages before the game was lost, and this captured 10 of them. 
Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread IMG-0743

I actually had fun making this game and kind of regret it vanishing in such a dumb way. All cloud backups were erased, and the Internet Archive could not capture the .EXE itself because the link to that was hidden in an .XML file (the file for capturing all the current update information) that was only directly fetched by the launcher.
Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Clan : dev
Posts : 61
Points : 736

Ballland Battles Legacy Recovery Thread Empty BDeluxe, BLegacy, BWorld Comparison

Sat May 04, 2024 7:45 am
What I want to do here for future members is lay out the differences, since I may as well take the opportunity and since BBLegacy didn't last very long for people to lay eyes on it:

Resolution + Zoom640 x 480 (no camera zoom)1920 x 1080 (plus camera zoom)Scalable (plus camera zoom)
Frame Rate3060Uncapped
Graphics BaseRaster/PixelRaster/Pixel + ShadersVector
Playable Characters4 (Bluey, Pinky, Yelly, Greeny)8 (BBDeluxe + Purpz, Cyana, Renji, Blacky)10 (BBLegacy + Magister, Custom Character)
Multiplayer Stages44 + Custom15 (Incomplete)14 Planned + Custom
Online PlayUp to 4, had to port forwardUp to 8 playersUp to 32 players + Spectator mode
ItemsMany + Specials, some OPManyMany + Planned Specials and Custom Items
Character StatsSpeed, RecoverySpeed, Attack, Defense, PowerupSame as BBLegacy + Planned Clothing
Upgradable StatsTemporarily with PotionsPermanent Shop UpgradesPlanned Item-Based + Shop
LauncherNone but
Game had Version Detection
Self-updateGame Version Detection
Self-update Launcher, Stage Install
ClansName-onlyName-onlyClan Field + Server Verification
Player Icons + RolesNoIcons onlyIcons + Roles
ModesClassic Mode, Coin Gathering,
Bomb Chase, Mixed
Classic Mode, Coin Gathering,
Stock Mayhem, (Incomplete)
Classic Mode, Stock Mayhem,
Zombie Chase, Key Hunt,
Planned Coin Gathering, etc.
Social FeaturesChat in room lobby and in-battleChat in room lobby onlyAdd and join friends, Discord, Planned pre-made messages in lobby
Custom MusicFile-based musicGame-basedGame-based with planned File-based
(planned custom-stage based)
Other things of note, the tileset of BBLegacy would've been really nice to have as it was itself a total revamp of most of BBDeluxe's tileset. However, we had to revert back to BBDeluxe's or risk starting from scratch and are in the process of revamping the tileset again, which will give benefits to your custom levels and the official stages.

The backgrounds from BBLegacy and how they're translated to BWorld:

CityBuildings were layered in floors, background was
static with clouds.
Buildings were flat and patterned, no night variation. BBDeluxe's Blue Zone was
converted to a blue city.
Buildings like in BBDeluxe, plus nights during nighttime. Sunrise and sunset versions. Blue and alternate versions.
SunsetUnanimated background, the Sun didn't set.The Sun actually sets.The Sun actually sets.
DarkThe dark was a void.Multi-colored void with squares shooting out.Multi-colored void with squares shooting out.
StarsPlain background with some parallax stars.Plain stars background with parallax
falling purple stars.
Dynamically generated star field with
colorful planets and animated galaxies.
BasicA grid of squares.Background whose color changed
based on location.
(this stage will recreate BBLegacy)
Techy TechsGrids and themed tiles.A light-based grid with tiles that danced
with the beat.
A grid of multicolored squares with
dynamic coloring and other elements.
Torrential CentralN/AAn actual thunderstorm with rain and lightning.An actual thunderstorm with rain and
dynamically generated lightning.
Dreamy SkiesAn etheric sky with stars and clouds.BBDeluxe + A sun shiningBBLegacy + The sky color animates
There's other backgrounds with BBDeluxe having the largest variety for now, however there's 20 created backgrounds for BWorld with a maximum current support of 256, with a planned custom background feature.

Fun fact, we actually recently created BBLegacy's menu music and intend to put that in somewhere currently undisclosed, and the title screen music of BWorld is identical:

BBLegacy Play Menu Recreation
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