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ATH Connect
ATH Connect
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How to Post an Error or Bug Empty How to Post an Error or Bug

Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:16 pm
As with every software project, bugs are when things happen that aren't supposed to in the game due to faulty programming or something deeper with the development platform.

Most of the times, it's tiny things such as a CPU player appearing to move backwards or lag displacing items thrown on stage. While the former requires a very focused look at the code to find and patch the bug, the later requires workarounds due to the nature of online communication and could result in server-owners having to update their version of the BWorld Game Server.

Sometimes, the game can receive a fatal error that results in a message being thrown by the game development platform:

[image of game error]

In this case, the game has crashed and you can't continue to run it until you close and restart it.

Other times, the game can just freeze, stuck in an infinite loop somewhere. Most of the times, these are found before release like the fatal errors, but there will always be cases due to the random controlled nature of BWorld.

But in the case that any type of bug makes it through the development pipeline, we want users to report their experiences and as much information as they can regarding a specific bug or error. Fatal errors at this stage show the game code, and in many cases once those are reported, we can find and patch them immediately for the next build.

Create a post for each bug/error using the New Topic button or the topic made for a particular version.

Then explain the bug. When did it happen? What did it look like? Does it only happen in certain configurations i.e. full screen, on a particular background in the level editor, in spectator mode, etc. 

Post amplifying information if asked. We want to see if you can reproduce it again, or was it a one-time thing.

If you need help, here's a framework that'll help us track down the bug:
Menu bug or in the field:
Single or Multiplayer:
Online or offline:
Visual, audio, or numbers:
Describe what happened:
Screenshots or videos:
Idea of why it happened (special configurations?):
Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Clan : dev
Posts : 61
Points : 736

How to Post an Error or Bug Empty Re: How to Post an Error or Bug

Sat May 04, 2024 2:23 pm
Since splitting topics into versions, no longer needed.
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