ATH Connect Productions
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Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Clan : dev
Posts : 61
Points : 736

Discord Updates and Marketing Empty Discord Updates and Marketing

Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:17 pm
For those who haven’t been paying attention, we’ve been slowly improving the layout and functions associated with the Discord server, our twin community.

For starters, we have granted permissions for certain roles to perform actions, such as Streamers having the ability to use Discord Activities such as if they want to broadcast their streamed gameplay in one of the voice channels, and officially granting Moderators their abilities and access to the staff channels.

But the larger things we’ve added are the promotional services and the automation of server management. We have a private automod now that’ll work in addition to the official Discord features to instantly remove the majority of spam. We haven’t had that as an issue in our group, but it’s expected that as people roll in, malevolent actors will too and we’ve prepared somewhat for this.

The server ownership has been transferred to HALLC, and my account alias there has swapped to ATH Connect. The person behind the name hasn’t changed but it’ll definitely look more official as I’ll only use it to broadcast development or admin related things, such as updates or community changes like this here. This might actually change as I also wish to stream things like level building or online play under my personal account.

There are dedicated voice chats/stream channels for general lounging, and streams for the major Quick Play Rooms in Ballland: World online. Not only that, but there are two channels for players to stream in their own rooms, two clan channels to stream clan gameplay, and a competitive stream for tournaments and other high profile events.

The general discussion for Ballland: World has changed into a forum layout in lieu of a text channel to allow for multiple parallel conversations, and the text channel itself has been renamed to “Easy Talk” since it’s just an easy way to get a message out there.

The promotional services can be used by anyone with a rank to help promote the server using their systems. This is ahead of a larger marketing effort to get the game out there for people to play and enjoy.

So in summary, the layout has changed to better reflect the capabilities of our user base in streaming, sharing levels, and participating in clans and competitions. The security of the discord has increased with auto-moderators, and promotional services have been added to make it easier to promote the game and have people to play with.
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