ATH Connect Productions
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ATH Connect
ATH Connect
Posts : 62
Points : 770

Introduction to the Staff Empty Introduction to the Staff

Thu May 23, 2024 11:54 am
I am ATH Connect, creator of various multimedia projects such as Ballland: World, Fearfied, and the various container accounts mentioned below. This account is the administrative account of the forum, and I use this account for community and game related announcements.

I am also  @Antwand T. Howard, the lead developer for the projects that go on here. I’m the one you go to for feedback, troubleshooting, and discussing upcoming plans for those projects.

@HALLC is the container account mainly for marketing and broadcasting what goes on from our community. It’s the connection to external organizations and platforms such as Youtube and financial agencies. From time to time we’ll use HALLC to advertise to other places or to be advertised other places.

@SuperSoris is our “boots on the ground” player, both on the communities and the virtual worlds, he oversees how experiences look for the average user.

@Ballland Builders is the container account for levels and stages built on Ballland World, and will be the principal creator of stages imported from BBDeluxe, recreated BBLegacy stages, and official stages.

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