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Antwand T. Howard
Antwand T. Howard
Lead Developer
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How to Unlock Unlimited Blue Coins  Empty How to Unlock Unlimited Blue Coins

Thu May 02, 2024 6:14 pm
The blue coins feature of Ballland Battles Deluxe allowed for the unlocking of a bunch of features added beyond the base experience. Since the game is pretty old and can no longer be updated, we've decided to allow players to unlock those features and play for fun or experimentation.

Explanation of the Blue Coin System

At the end of every match, blue coins are awarded to the player based on several criteria.


[b]Note:[/b] Only happens for Arcade and Online.

For Player 1, give them 3 coins for winning a match.

If they get first and there's more than 10 players, give two more coins. More than 20? Four.

For 2P matches if player 2 gets 1 point or more, give a blue coin.

If the match is online, give 5 more coins to reward online gameplay.

There's a concept called "Respect" from the chat. This respect value gets doubled and added as blue coins to be given.

For each minute of playing with a score of at least 1, give a blue coin for each minute played.

Finally, add a blue coin for playing a custom stage.

Theoretically, the maximum amount of blue coins one can get in a match is 33 plus respect, based on a 20 minute match online that one wins.

However, many things in the shop cost several hundred or even upwards of 1000 blue coins, making it impractical to play that many battles in the time one might want to take to get the features such as Special Items or extra tiles for the tileset.

Unlocking Unlimited Blue Coins

Ballland Battles Deluxes saves information in the Windows Registry in order to keep track of data across games, unlike raw binary data for BWorld and the Server. This data is kept unencrypted in its own folder of the registry, and while the surface level profile data's names are non-conventional, they can be manually changed and have those changes reflected in the game for the most part. (Some settings will sense an invalid value and correct it.)

Navigate to the Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ballland Battles Deluxe folder in the registry.

How to Unlock Unlimited Blue Coins  Image

Double-clicking on "S36B9N" allows you to edit the data in that block of memory. It's a double-precision floating point number, so I'd recommend putting the number "00 00 80 ad 4d cd cd 41" in there, which equals almost a billion coins.
How to Unlock Unlimited Blue Coins  Screenshot-2024-05-04-094352

Whenever you run low, simply repeat the process to re-up.

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